Call For Applications: KPMG Global Internship Program July 2024 — How to Apply

Do you dream of working on exciting projects alongside talented professionals from all over the world? Have you already landed a summer internship with KPMG in your home country and are hungry for more? If so, the KPMG Global Internship Program (KGIP) could be the perfect opportunity to take your internship experience to the next level.

Designed specifically for ambitious students like you, KGIP offers a unique chance to expand your horizons by adding a four-week international rotation to your regular internship with KPMG. Imagine putting your skills to the test in a new country, collaborating with a diverse team, and gaining invaluable global exposure – all within a single summer!

Why Consider the KPMG Global Internship Program?

KGIP goes beyond the typical internship experience by offering you a multitude of benefits that will jumpstart your career and set you apart from the competition. Here’s what makes KGIP so special:

  • Boost Your Career: You won’t be fetching coffee or running errands during KGIP. You’ll be actively involved in real client projects, working alongside experienced KPMG professionals. This hands-on experience gives you a chance to learn from the best, showcase your abilities, and gain valuable knowledge you can carry forward into your future career. Imagine putting a successful international project on your resume – it’s sure to impress potential employers!
  • Global Exposure: Working abroad opens doors to a whole new world of possibilities. You’ll immerse yourself in a different culture, gain a deeper understanding of global business practices, and develop your ability to collaborate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. These skills are highly sought-after in today’s interconnected world, and KGIP will equip you with the experience and adaptability to thrive in any international business environment.
  • Top-Notch Training: KPMG is renowned for its training programs, and KGIP participants get the benefit of this expertise. You’ll receive additional training designed to help you excel in your international role. This tailored training will equip you with the specific skills and knowledge you need to contribute meaningfully to your international project and impress your colleagues.

Who is Eligible for KGIP?

If you’re a go-getter student who’s already secured a regular internship with KPMG in your home country, then KGIP might be the perfect next step. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Current Interns: KGIP is open to students who have already been accepted for a summer internship with a KPMG office in their home country. If you haven’t secured a regular internship with KPMG yet, don’t worry! Check out their website or contact your local KPMG office for information on internship opportunities in your area.
  • Ready to Travel: Be prepared for an exciting adventure! KGIP requires a four-week commitment to an internship in a different country. This is your chance to explore a new culture, experience a different way of life, and make lifelong memories while gaining valuable work experience.

Benefits of the Global Internship Program

KGIP goes beyond just offering a cool international experience. The program provides comprehensive support to ensure you have a smooth and enriching internship:

  • Hassle-Free Relocation: Forget the stress of visas, flights, and finding accommodation in a new country. KGIP takes care of all that for you. They’ll assist you with the visa application process, book your flights, and even provide housing during your international rotation. This allows you to focus on the important things, like exploring your new city and excelling in your internship role.
  • Mentorship and Guidance: You won’t be left to navigate the new environment on your own. KGIP provides experienced mentors who will be there to guide you throughout the program. They’ll answer your questions, offer support, and help you overcome any challenges you might face. You’ll have a dedicated team at home and abroad ensuring your success in the program.
  • Real Work Experience: This isn’t an observation program where you watch others work. As a KGIP intern, you’ll be actively involved in client projects, contributing alongside KPMG professionals. This hands-on experience gives you a chance to apply your skills in a real-world setting, gain valuable practical experience, and build your professional network.

How to Apply for KGIP

Ready to take your internship to the global stage? Here’s how to get started with KGIP:

  • Check Your Country’s Requirements: KGIP is offered in various countries, and each location might have specific eligibility requirements. Before applying, be sure to research the program details for your home country. This will ensure you meet all the necessary criteria and understand the application process specific to your location.
  • Visit the KPMG Website: Head to the official KPMG website ( Once there, navigate to the careers section and find the information for your country’s Global Internship Program. The website will provide details on eligibility, program specifics, and most importantly, the application process.
  • Apply Online: Each country will have its own application process and deadlines. Make sure to submit your application well before the deadline to be considered for the program. The application process typically involves submitting your resume, cover letter, transcripts, and potentially participating in an interview. Be sure to research the specific requirements for your country and tailor your application materials accordingly.

FAQs: Your Questions Answered

  • Q1: What are the costs associated with the program?

    Answer: The program covers a significant portion of the costs associated with your international experience. This includes visa applications, flights to and from your host country, and accommodation during your internship rotation. KGIP wants to ensure you can focus on the program and the amazing experience it offers, so they take care of these essential expenses.

  • Q2: What types of projects can I expect to work on during the internship?

    Answer: Global interns are assigned to real client engagement teams, working alongside KPMG professionals on various projects. The specific projects you’ll be involved in will depend on your placement and the needs of the local office. This could involve anything from assisting with audits and tax matters to helping with consulting projects or advisory services. Regardless of the specific project, you’ll gain valuable experience working on real-world business issues with a global perspective.

  • Q3: What are the deadlines for applications in different countries?

    Answer: Application deadlines vary by country. We recommend visiting the KPMG website and selecting your desired country to access specific program details and application deadlines. Don’t wait until the last minute! Start researching the program in your country early so you have ample time to prepare a strong application and submit it before the deadline.

Take the Next Step: Apply for KGIP Today!

The KPMG Global Internship Program is a truly unique opportunity for ambitious students like you to gain invaluable international experience, develop your professional skills, and launch your career on the world stage. If you’re eager to learn, grow, and explore the world of global business, then KGIP is the perfect program for you. Visit the KPMG website today, explore the program details for your country, and get ready to submit your application! KGIP could be the key that unlocks a world of possibilities for your future.

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